The countdown continues. We’re blazing through our top three most popular posts to help us close out 2014 and welcome the New Year with grace and gusto. We don’t know about you, but we feel great things are about to come and we want you to be as inspired and ready for action as we are!

Stories capturing national and international news headlines seemed to really grab readers’ attention in 2014. Here’s a look back at the other most popular posts:

We’re digging deep into the archives for this next one, folks. Even though this post hit the blogosphere just before ringing in 2014, it’s still the most widely read ActiveCare post of all time. Not just 2013 or this year. But hands down the most popular piece since launching our blog.

Here’s why it resonates with so many of you:

  • The post remembers a legendary figure who inspired millions around the world.
  • It empowers us to believe that basic human rights like equality and freedom, when supported by quality leaders, is ALWAYS possible.
  • We hear from the man himself though quotations that remind us of his legacy.
  • The ideas and ideals he promoted are extrapolated into real-world business practices that ANYONE can employ.
  • Finally, the post reminds us that life is short and we can accomplish a lot if we make our minutes count.

We are now proud to share with you our most popular post of 2014!

Inspiration: 5 Lessons Business Leaders Can Learn From Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela, one of the world’s most inspirational leaders died yesterday at age 95. He stood for peace and reconciliation and is being remembered across the world for just that. Throughout his time as a leader Mandela addressed equality, leadership and freedom, leaving a great deal of advice for aspiring leaders to live by. To remember Mandela we have pulled five famous quotes that all business leaders, employers and organizations can learn something from.

  1.  “It’s always seems impossible until it’s done.”

Whether you’re a start-up, a current business owner or an innovator, this applies to you. Mandela was a dreamer and truly believed his dreams would become a reality. Take his advice and don’t stop until what seemed to be “impossible” goals are met.

  1. “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”

Success is measured in many ways. Companies may look at profits as means of success but next time you’re measuring success, take a look at where you began and where you are now. How many challenges did you overcome? Did you improve? Are you Proud? To Mandela that was true success.

  1. “We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right.”

Timing is important but don’t dwell on using every minute of every day but rather making those minutes count. For example don’t just hire someone to fill a spot and potentially increase productivity; but rather make the minutes count, take the right steps and do the right thing to hire the right candidate for the job. By using your time wisely you will save yourself more than just minutes in a day.

  1.  “After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.”

There are always huddles to jump, so be prepared. Mandela knew becoming president wasn’t the only hill he would face in South Africa. For companies, one minute business is good and the next profits drop, your favorite employee quits or a competitor shows up next door, all of these are unexpected “hills” for you to climb. As an employer you should always be prepared for what’s next.

  1. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Mandela stressed that knowledge is power. By knowing the industry, who you hire and what is going on around you, your quality and reputation will improve making your company powerful but more importantly successful.

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